When you’re making healthy choices, it’s always good to have more tools in the proverbial toolbox. Fortunately, there are numerous resources to add to your motivation and boost inspiration to stay the course. Podcasts that support your recovery are just another way to...
Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire’s Effective Addiction Treatment Programs
Deciding to get professional treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a brave step toward lasting health. But what kind of care do you need, and where should you go? The experienced professionals at Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire...
15 Reasons to Keep a Gratitude Journal
If there’s one thing you learn during inpatient addiction treatment, it’s that you have more control over aspects of your perspective than you might have previously thought. Using various techniques to healthfully manage your sobriety is a perfect example. An easy and...
What to Expect From Outpatient Addiction Treatment
As vital as inpatient rehabilitation treatment is, most programs are at least 30 days—but some last 60 or even 90 days, depending on your needs. Many people think that if they can’t commit to residential care for this long, there’s no point in even trying. Nothing...
Motivational Stories for Healthy Living
Author Phillip Pullman once said, “After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” The power of storytelling is what provides true connection, especially when we recognize that other people experience similar trials and...
Veterans and First Responders Health Resources
In January 2023, the Concord Monitor published an interesting story featuring two paramedics—one a Veteran, the other also a firefighter—discussing aspects of their mental health and how they wanted to make sure other professionals like them understood that they have...
What Types of Programs Do NH Detox Centers Offer?
Discover the diverse programs available at NH detox centers in our comprehensive guide.
10 Signs You Might Need Alcohol Detox in NH
Discover if you require alcohol detox in NH with our insights into ’10 Signs You Might Need Alcohol Detox in NH’.
What is Drug Treatment in NH Like?
Explore the realities of drug treatment in NH firsthand in our comprehensive guide, ‘What is Drug Treatment in NH Like?’.
9 Tips for Supporting a Loved One Through Alcohol Detox in NH
Discover how to assist a loved one in alcohol detox in NH with our ‘9 Tips for Supporting a Loved One Through Alcohol Detox in NH’ blog post.