Abstinence vs. Moderation: Know the Benefits

Abstinence vs. Moderation: Know the Benefits

The choice between abstinence and moderation is a pivotal decision that shapes a person’s successful treatment approach and addiction recovery. In the majority of cases, most people enjoy better, more effective sobriety if they abstain from all substances. However, by...
More 12-Step Programs to Support Your Recovery

More 12-Step Programs to Support Your Recovery

The Recovery Research Institute states that “mutual-help organizations focus on the socially supportive communication and exchange of addiction and recovery experience and skills.” Many people think 12-Step programming is actually addiction treatment. This isn’t the...
15 Reasons to Keep a Gratitude Journal

15 Reasons to Keep a Gratitude Journal

If there’s one thing you learn during inpatient addiction treatment, it’s that you have more control over aspects of your perspective than you might have previously thought. Using various techniques to healthfully manage your sobriety is a perfect example. An easy and...
Motivational Stories for Healthy Living

Motivational Stories for Healthy Living

Author Phillip Pullman once said, “After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” The power of storytelling is what provides true connection, especially when we recognize that other people experience similar trials and...
Veterans and First Responders Health Resources

Veterans and First Responders Health Resources

In January 2023, the Concord Monitor published an interesting story featuring two paramedics—one a Veteran, the other also a firefighter—discussing aspects of their mental health and how they wanted to make sure other professionals like them understood that they have...