Suboxone Addiction Treatment Program in New Hampshire
What is Medication-Assisted Treatment?
Individuals struggling with opioid addiction can find themselves dealing with intense cravings due to the hold the drug has over them both physically and mentally. The cravings are so powerful that many find it difficult if not impossible to stop using opioids. Many who suffer from opioid use disorder find it difficult to achieve long-term sobriety by stopping on their own. Many need the intervention of professionals in the form of a medically assisted detox facility followed by an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center. However, sometimes that is not enough to stop the strong urge for the opioid-addicted individual to pick up and use.
In these cases, the addicted individual would benefit from medication-assisted treatment (MAT). MAT serves to ease cravings in those looking to achieve abstinence from drug abuse but struggle with maintaining sobriety. Through the combination of behavioral therapy and certain medications, MAT improves the likelihood that an individual will not return to their drug of choice. Currently, there are several medication-assisted treatment protocols for opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder. These treatments can enable healthcare providers to remove drug or alcohol-addicted individuals from their drug of choice for a sufficient amount of time to develop the coping skills necessary for achieving full recovery from their addiction.
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Abuse in New Hampshire
Sobriety Center of New Hampshire, located in Antrim, NH, offers two medication-assisted treatment programs specifically designed to combat those struggling to maintain sobriety from opioid abuse: The Methadone Treatment Program and The Suboxone Treatment Program. Both programs utilize the medication to help lessen the cravings that plague those addicted to opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, and prescription painkillers. By lessening the cravings, it decreases the chance of relapse and the need for additional admissions to inpatient drug and alcohol detox centers.
The therapy provided in Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire’s MAT programs will help addicted individuals build coping skills, develop a relapse prevention plan, acknowledge faulty beliefs, and work to change past behaviors as their cravings lessen. The medication and therapy will work together to increase the length of sobriety for the individual until they achieve full recovery from opioid addiction. One of the more popular medication-assisted therapy programs offered is Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire’s Suboxone Detox Treatment Program in NH.
What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a combination of two different medications, buprenorphineand naloxone. Buprenorphine is known as a “partial opioid agonist”. It is a long-acting opioid that does not produce the euphoric effect in those who are already opioid-dependent. The buprenorphine in Suboxone attaches to an opioid receptor in the brain, which fulfills the body’s need for an opioid such as heroin without providing the high. The effects of buprenorphine last around 24 hours. The benefit of buprenorphine in medication-assisted treatment is that it produces what is known as a “ceiling effect”. The “ceiling effect” means that even if an individual attempted to take more of the drug than prescribed, it would not cause them to get high.
The drug known as naloxone is the other component of Suboxone. The brand name Narcan is well-known for its use in reversing the effects of an opioid overdose as a life-saving medication. The way that naloxone works in Suboxone is to prevent abuse.If administered as intended, sublingually (dissolved under the tongue), Suboxone poorly absorbs naloxone into the bloodstream and also has no effect.
However, if an individual attempts to abuse the Suboxone by crushing and snorting it or melting and injecting it, the naloxone will activate and also reverse the effect of an opioid, which causes unpleasant precipitated withdrawals in the individual. Suboxone works to ease the cravings associated with opioid dependency and also lessen the likelihood of relapse and overdose for those with opioid use disorder.
The Suboxone Addiction Treatment Program at Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire
The Suboxone Addiction Treatment Program at Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire combines proven therapeutic methods with medication to combat cravings from opioid abuse for the individual who cannot seem to maintain sobriety, especially in early recovery. Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire’s Suboxone Treatment Program provides better outcomes for those opioid-addicted individuals who constantly struggle with their sobriety. It does not produce a high and has less potential for abuse. Those individuals in our Suboxone Treatment Program have a reduced risk of overdose. Individuals who have struggled with treatment alone and have trouble dealing with the cravings from opioid addiction are excellent candidates to enroll in the Suboxone Addiction Treatment Program at Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire.