COVID-19 Statement
Given the recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire – Antrim House has implemented all CDC recommended practices to protect clients and staff members from exposure to the best of our ability.
We are closely monitoring evolving COVID-19 CDC guidelines and will make thoughtful actions to reflect these recommendations. Your well-being is our biggest priority.
What we are doing to ensure your safety:
- We ask all potential clients if they are experiencing difficulty breathing, have a fever or have been in close proximity to anyone with these symptoms, and if so, would they be willing to call a local Urgent Care Center to get treatment and clearance to be in close proximity to others.
- If someone arrives at the facility with a fever or is experiencing difficulty breathing, staff will compassionately redirect them to local clinics and take guidance from there.
- In our facility, we isolate any client who develops a fever or difficulty breathing as much as possible. Staff will take recommended precautions by wearing a mask wear and gloves while interacting with the sick client.
- We monitor staff and clients daily for fever and symptoms.
- Clients and staff practice social distancing, wash their hand regular, and wear masks in compliance CDC guidelines.
- Our facilities have intensified housekeeping activities. We focus particularly on cleaning surfaces that multiple people frequently touch. We also prioritize cleaning bathrooms and areas where food is served or consumed.
- Staff members that exhibit fever or difficulty breathing will be asked to stay at home and seek medical attention. Sick staff members will be required to provide medical clearance before returning to work.