Drug and Alcohol Detox Center in New Hampshire
The state of New Hampshire is one of the most underserved states in the U.S. in terms of addiction treatment options for people suffering from drug and alcohol abuse. Per capita, only Texas does less to assist and help its citizens. Neighboring states like Massachusetts have a plethora of private and also publicly funded detox options for people looking for detoxification from drugs and alcohol. One of the unintended consequences of the Covid-19 lockdowns, and also resultant isolation, has been a once-in-a-lifetime spike in alcohol abuse in New Hampshire. People who previously may have had little to no experience with alcoholic drinking now find themselves in desperate need of medical detox for alcohol and drugs in NH. Many who had been in long-term recovery from substance abuse in New Hampshire now find themselves struggling to stop drinking and using drugs.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the percentage of adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol in the past 30 days in NH was at 62.6%. NH was second in the U.S. only to Wisconsin at 65.9% in the overall percentage of adults who had at least one drink within the past 30 days.
Unfortunately, NH detox beds are in very short supply. If you’re in need of an Alcohol Detox Center in New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, or Massachusetts, we can help you. 603-202-4990
Detox Centers in NH
Why aren’t there more detox centers in NH?
The answer to why there aren’t more detox centers in NH comes down to one thing, economics. New Hampshire is a relatively small state with just under 1.4 million people. Most rehab programs for drugs and alcohol treatment are privately owned. As a small state NH doesn’t have the population to attract companies with the resources and budgets to open large-scale detox and alcohol rehab programs that other states are fortunate to have. New Hampshire borders Maine and Vermont which are also lacking in detox centers but not to the extent that the granite state is. Since 2015 New Hampshire has been in the grip of the opioid and fentanyl epidemic which has ravaged the United States. The Covid Pandemic has had a marked increase in drug and alcohol abuse in NH and has been the social equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire.
It is important that Detox from many drugs and alcohol be conducted in a medical detox facility.
However, there is good news for those looking for alcohol and drug detox in New Hampshire
Medical Detox Center New Hampshire
Connect with Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire
Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire can help you through the early stages of detox, inpatient alcohol rehab, and beyond. Our full continuum of care is unlike any other program in Granite State. When you detox in our center in NH you’ll be surrounded by caring and also qualified professionals who have a vested interest in seeing you or your loved one get well and find lasting and sustained recovery.
The first step is the physical separation from alcohol. Experienced professionals at a medical detox facility should assist you during the process. on our detox center or for information on detox in NH Please reach out to someone from our team today at 603-202-4990 .