Massachusetts Opioid Treatment and Are There Other Options?

Are you struggling with an addiction to opioids, or do you have a loved one who is dealing with this issue? It can be scary, and it can sometimes feel as though there is no way to get your life back to where it used to be. Even though it might seem desperate and bleak, there is a way forward. If you are ready to confront the addiction and get the help you need, you can find great Massachusetts opioid treatment options.

What Is Opioid Abuse?

Massachusetts Opioid Treatment and Are There Other Options?

Opioids are a type of drug, sometimes called narcotics. One of the most commonly abused is heroin, but plenty of prescription pain relievers are also opioids, and they contribute greatly to the nation’s opioid crisis. Some of those pain relievers include fentanyl, tramadol, hydrocodone, and oxycodone. Opioids come in many forms, which means they can be taken in a variety of ways—nasally, orally, intravenously, or through smoking.

People who have been injured or who have had surgery may be prescribed one of these medications to help them deal with the pain. However, due to the addictive nature of opioids, some people find that they can’t stop taking them. This leads to misuse and abuse of opioids, which can then lead to addiction.

One of the most commonly abused opioids is hydrocodone, which is often sold under the brand name Vicodin. This is commonly abused because it is the most prescribed opioid in the world. Some begin with a painkiller addiction and then move on to heroin, which they buy on the street.

Much of the heroin today is cut with fentanyl, which is a huge danger. Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. This means the risk of overdose is much higher.

The Severity of the Opioid Crisis in Massachusetts

It is estimated that at least three million people in the United States suffer from opioid use disorder. This is a lot of people who are struggling and who need help. In Massachusetts, between 2020 and 2021, the rate of opioid-related deaths rose by 8.8% according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Massachusetts saw 2,290 confirmed and estimated opioid deaths in 2021. While the numbers are lower than the national figures, this should still cause alarm. Not only did all those people lose their lives, but their loved ones lost brothers, fathers, sisters, mothers, etc. The opioid crisis doesn’t just affect those who are addicted but all those who are around them and in the community.

Why Do People Start Using Opioids in Massachusetts?

If opioids are so dangerous, why do so many people use them? There is not just one reason. People can start using them for various reasons, and every person is unique. With many people, though, it starts as a prescription for pain, as mentioned earlier. This leads to addiction, and those people do whatever they need to do to continue chasing that feeling.

Some of the other common risk factors for opioid abuse include unemployment, homelessness, poverty, family history of substance abuse, history of criminal activity, thrill-seeking behavior, depression, anxiety, and stress. Still, there is no single cause that applies to everyone. However, the result tends to be the same—it leads to addiction.

Types of Opioid Treatment in Massachusetts 

For most people, the first significant step in treating opioid dependency starts with removing the physical dependency on the drugs. This is done through medical detox, where trained professionals help patients to remove the drugs from their system. This must be done under proper medical care because it can be dangerous—even deadly—to do without proper supervision.

The detoxification process brings along symptoms of withdrawal. This could include sweating, tremors, pain, diarrhea, seizures, and more. This is why you need proper detox provided by a professional team.

The type of treatment provided after detox can vary. With some patients, medications might be provided to help the patient deal with the withdrawal and aftermath. Additionally, the use of various types of therapy will help. This could include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and group therapy. The medical professionals will assess patients and provide the types of therapy and treatment they believe will work best for them.

Find an Addiction Treatment Facility to Help With Opioid Addiction

If you are seeking opioid addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, you must be sure you are working with a professional clinic. Look into the facility’s history and reputation and learn what treatment types are available. Opioid treatment, especially in the early stages, might benefit from opioid detox and residential care with around-the-clock supervision, for example.

Learn more about the Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire addiction treatment facilities and the staff, as well to ensure they provide more than just medical care. You also want a facility that has compassionate staff members. Contact us today to start on your journey to recovery from drugs and alcohol.Â