In Network Addiction Treatment in NH and How it can Help.

The opioid epidemic has had disastrous consequences for America and its populace since the 1990s, taking thousands of lives and ruining countless others. Not only are opioids a remarkably addictive substance for users, but they are also a particularly deadly drug, too. Two out of three drug overdose deaths in 2018 involved an opioid.

If you are in New Hampshire and find yourself misusing opioids, though, there is hope. Opioid addiction doesn’t have to be a lifelong problem, and you can free yourself from opioids with the help of treatment. By considering all of your options for in-network addiction treatment in New Hampshire, you can turn your life around and meet all of your goals.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

A substance use disorder in NH occurs when an individual cannot control their substance use, resulting in overuse even when dire consequences are. The consequences of misuse include physical effects like a quickened heart rate, irregular body temperatures, and potentially even death, as is common in opioid overdoses.

Those suffering from substance use disorder may misuse substances like:

People may develop substance use disorder for a variety of reasons. For example, people may believe that substances like stimulants will help them perform better at work or school. Alternatively, people might take substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, and bath salts to feel good and escape. Others may start taking a drug after receiving a prescription or experimenting with peers and finding themselves unable to stop.

Thankfully, there are various addiction treatment options in NH for those who want to get free from substances, including opioids, alcohol, and cocaine. Whether you’re looking for detox in NH – which usually takes around 5-10 days – or want to look into longer-term programs like our IOP and PHP in NH, it’s worth considering all of the options available to you in this great state.

How Does In-Network Addiction Treatment In NH Help?

Just as no two individuals with a substance use disorder are the same, no two people receive the exact drug addiction treatment. Individuals may need different amounts of medication, different levels of care, and different schedules depending on their unique needs and lifestyle. As such, it is essential to consider all types of drug rehab in NH to understand how each program helps its participants. You may want to try multiple treatment approaches to find the path to recovery that works for you in the long term.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in NH

Intensive outpatient programs are a great option for those who want to stay connected with their family and friends while still receiving nearly the highest level of treatment. During an intensive outpatient program, you’ll spend about 12 hours per week in treatment, coming into the recovery center for 3 or 4 days per week. While participating in our intensive outpatient program, you can continue progressing in work and school and socialize with friends and family when you’re not in the treatment center.

During your participation in an intensive outpatient program, you will complete individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy sessions to aid you in your recovery. Group therapy will be the centerpiece of your intensive outpatient program, as group therapy has been proven to be highly effective for those suffering from substance use disorder.

If you have already completed a full treatment as an inpatient in NH, consider IOP as your next step. You can receive continuous care while connecting with your support system by participating in an IOP in NH.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) in NH

Partial hospitalization programs are slightly more intensive than intensive outpatient programs, requiring patients to come in for five days per week, usually for about 5 hours per day. Programs typically last 2-4 weeks but may be longer or shorter depending on a patient’s needs.

Like intensive outpatient programs, participants in partial hospitalization programs have the freedom to choose where they live and continue living at home rather than on the treatment center’s campus. This flexibility allows participants to continue their work and family life while still receiving the highest level of addiction treatment available in New Hampshire aside from full inpatient programs.

Partial hospitalization programs are highly structured and, like intensive outpatient programs, mostly feature group therapy sessions. You will also participate in family and individual therapy sessions as needed; each individual’s needs are unique.

If you’re concerned about the possibility of relapsing or have already experienced a relapse, you don’t have to get discouraged or give up on recovery. Our partial hospitalization program is here to help you move on from your relapse and get back on the path to full recovery from substance misuse. Our beautiful facilities in New Hampshire provide a place for you to relax and recover away from the stresses of life while still allowing you to connect with your loved ones when you need them most.

Take The First Steps On Your Path To Recovery

There is no better time to make your opioid addiction a thing of the past. When you are free from substances, you can be your best self and move on with the things you want to do in your life, whether you wish to proceed with your career, be a fantastic parent for your kids, or continue school. The sooner you seek recovery from your addiction, the more likely you will be able to recover without relapsing.

There are a variety of effective alcohol rehab treatments, as well as other addiction treatments in NH, available for you. If you’re ready to take the first steps on your path to recovery and sobriety, we at the Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire are here to welcome you. Fill out our contact form or call us at (603) 202-4990 today!